24 February 2013

Movie Clichés

Hi, check out my other blog I started last week: Movie Clichés 

Doesn't mean I've stopped working on this blog. You can always find the link to the blog under pages: "Movie Clichés"

Blog description

This site is all about the fantastic world of movies and more precisely about its huge amount of clichés.

In almost every movie I watch there is something very "familiar" and from now on, every time I notice it, I will write it down on this blog.

For the moment, you could divide my posts into six different categories:
Example: "It's not you, it's me"
2. Characters
Example: The stupid teenage horror character
3. Scenes
Example: The ripping-off-each-others-clothes sex scene
4. Places
Example: The local gas station
5. Links
Example: A blog post from another blog
6. Random
Example: Unrealistic Morning Routines

Special days:
Every Monday I will post a new quote
Every Wednesday I will post a new link to a page/article dealing with movie clichés

Every Friday I present to you a well known movie character
Scenes, places and random posts will come irregularly for now.

I will name my posts like this "Quote/Character/Scene #1, 2, 3" etc. and label them in their respective categories. To the right on the blog, under labels, you can click the tags and that way display all posts in that certain category.

Please comment and give feedback, it helps and gives me motivation to keep on writing.

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